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Tips to Assist You with Looking Your Best Throughout Your Business Photos

Whether you are taking a selfie, or posing for someone else to snap a photo of you, you most likely take a second to ensure that you look your best. Maybe you fix your hair, adjust your pose a little, or just act as if you are ignoring the camera all together, for that perfect picture. There are a lot of ways to get yourself ready for a photo, so that you can look absolutely great. A beautiful photo can certainly boost your self-confidence!

However, when it comes to your business photos, the bar is certainly raised high! After all, you will want to ensure that you present yourself in the most professional and welcoming way possible throughout each and every photo captured.

We understand just how important it is for people to feel confident and comfortable in front of the camera! That’s why, here at Tiberius Images, as Grand Rapids business photographers, we have gathered some tips to assist you with looking your best throughout your own business photos. If you would like to discover what these tips are, be sure to continue reading:

  • Avoid Squinting. You will want your business photos to showcase you in the most professional and confident way. Therefore, you will want to avoid squinting when having yours captured! Not only does squinting take away from your beautiful or handsome appearance, but it also hides your eyes, which will hinder your confident look. If the sun or lighting is too bright, and you can’t help but squint, try shutting your eyes until the photographer is ready to snap the picture. Keeping your eyes closed as they count down, and opening them as they take the photo, is a good way to ensure that you are not squinting for every photo.

  • Flaunt Your Best Pose. Everyone usually has a go-to pose when put in front of the camera. Whether you have that perfect smolder, or a charming, laid back smile, there is likely a pose that you enjoy most. When looking back on photos of yourself, you can see which poses you feel most comfortable doing, and which complement your style best. The difference between your rigid, family photos where you stand awkwardly straight, and those casual, fun photos of you just being yourself, is huge. So, find which pose is your best pose, and do not be afraid to strike that pose for your business photos.

  • Ignore the Camera. Posing for the camera does allow your photographer to capture great photos, but not every shot of you has to be perfectly posed. Sometimes, it is just as good, if not better, to completely ignore the camera. So, don’t worry so much about focusing on the camera, or always striking a pose. In fact, capturing you and your business in your natural element will highlight the services that you have to offer to the world in the most organic way.

Capturing quality photos for your business is certainly of importance! These are just a few tips to assist you with looking your best throughout your own images.

If you are prepared to have your own photos captured by a business photographer in Grand Rapids, Michigan, please get in touch with us here at Tiberius Images! We believe that everyone should be comfortable and confident in front of the camera, and would be pleased with the opportunity to ensure that you are.