How To Use Your New Headshot To Build Your Business

If you’re looking to build and grow your business, have you considered how a new portrait could help? 

Other than showing confidence in front of the camera, there is one specific way that your new portrait can help you open up new conversations and potentially grow your business. 

How can a new portrait do that? 

Here is a quick 5 step plan (and once you’ve done it and had success, I’d love to hear all about it):

  1. Find a professional to capture the perfect headshot for your new business or role (hmm, perhaps a session in our studio would be perfect for you).

  2. Once you have your photo ready, post your headshot to LinkedIn as an update, not a profile picture (just yet)!

  3. In your post mention your new position, thank your previous employer in the process and tag people you’d like to give a special shoutout to on the post (co-workers, company and perhaps even your photographer).

  4. You will get many congratulations, likes, and comments. Assuming your new picture will get 100 interactions (likes, comments, etc), those are 100 new conversations you can use to open up all new doors!

  5. With each of those likes and comments, send a direct message to them thanking them and asking a question that can move your business forward (think open ended question).

Out of those 100 messages, odds are high that 10 people need your service and at least 3 will hire you, leading to business growth!


This is an easy process that many overlook. Don’t miss out on the opportunity for growth and engagement with your new portrait.

We are a dedicated team ready to set you up for success. With nearly two decades of experience, we are here to capture your best moments. If you are interested in building a relationship with us and creating memories of a lifetime, contact us here at Tiberius Images!