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What Can Content Creation Do For Your Business?

You may be asking yourself, “What in the world is ‘content creation’”?

Simple answer.

It’s all the stuff you consume on your phone and computer.

It’s your Netflix shows, it’s the videos of Trump that you love or hate. It’s the funny dog videos you love seeing on Facebook. It’s the fail videos on YouTube you watch. It’s the blog post that you read last night on why your phone isn’t working right.

Content is the online world you wade through on a daily basis.

Why does that matter for your business?

Because the world you are trying to reach, your clients, are wading through the same online world and may need to hear about what you do (and how you do it).

But without creating content online they are more than likely never going to find you.

You control the creation of content.

But how content is received falls into two categories.

The first category is the world you control: your website and blog

The second category is the world you don’t control: social media reach and interaction

Here is the reality of content in today’s world…

As you can see there is a lifespan of content, the shortest being on social media channels. That’s why you keep hearing “post every day on social media…”

It’s because after a few hours hardly anyone will see what you posted.

Think about it, how often do you go search out a post from a company you follow on Facebook or Instagram from 3 weeks ago?

You don’t. Neither do I. No one does.

But a blog post creates long term value.

You provide value by answering a question a client may have asked at some point.

More than likely it answers a question many people have and you can point clients to the answer over and again. (Hey maybe you can send it out as part of your email marketing plan…)

So what to do with the content you can control and the content you can’t control?

Think of them as two sides of the same coin (think yin and yang).

Your blog content provides value, answers questions and helps clients fall in love with your brand over and over again.

Post on a regular basis and use the content for your social media strategy.

You can share quotes, videos, photos and other pieces of your blog content on social media and invite the social media world back to your website.

Why is this important?

Because when someone votes with their time and click to visit your blog post it indicates they want to know more about your business.

You can then RETARGET those visitors with digital ads (that we can help with) and deliver multiple messages over time on their social platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, etc).

As you create content online you are also able to leverage it for email marketing content as well.

If you’re not intrigued how content creation can help your brand engage and SELL MORE, then I’m sure you won’t follow our next suggestion, which is to setup a STRATEGY CALL.

All you have to do is book a Strategy Session and let us know you’d like to chat about Content Creation.