Kevin + Jennifer | Grand Rapids Public Museum Wedding

Jennifer has been a long time friend.Much of our photography career, we've known Jennifer because she is a local Grand Rapids estate planning attorney who we've had the pleasure of getting to know through different networking groups. When she called to let me know she was getting married in 2014, it was a phone call of celebration. As we worked through the wedding day details, we were able to meet her now husband, Kevin, who is the nicest guy and the two of them are such a cute couple together! You may even remember their beach engagement photos in Grand Haven from last year. The wedding day began at St. Mark's Episcopal church in downtown Grand Rapids. It's a church many are familiar with in Grand Rapids. It's even the place where Jennifer's parents were married! Talk about a beautiful day for her parents who gave their only daughter away to Kevin in the same church where they made the same commitment.

Following a wonderful ceremony and a few photos around the church, these two, along with their wedding party were willing to brave the rain in downtown Grand Rapids with stops at the Calder and the Blue Pedestrian bridge. The locations were two Jennifer requested and despite the rain, the images turned out to be some of this year's best!

After a quick dash down the blue bridge for photos, the wedding party returned to the Grand Rapids Public Museum where we were fortunate enough to gain access to an empty 3rd floor room. The room had just been cleared and was between special exhibits, which created a great backdrop for some fresh museum portraits. A wonderful grand staircase entrance was next, followed by wonderful toasts, dancing, a ride around the carousel and a few minutes with the Kevin and Jennifer around the "old streets of Grand Rapids" inside the museum.

Also, be sure to leave a comment below and help Kevin and Jennifer win some great prints (your comment helps them)!

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Tiberius Images is a Grand Rapids photographer that photographs people, places and events. Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, they serve clients throughout the world and are available for travel.